Tuesday 29 November 2016

Omaka scout camp

On Tuesday the 22nd of November Team East had set off to go to Omaka scout camp.

When we got there everyone gradually started to help unload the bags and the equipment  off the

As I turn around I saw and gazed at a crystal clear stream leading up in the distance then I turned to my right and saw a bridge leading over to a field of green grass with native plants and trees surrounding it.

Then I peered over my shoulder and saw two large buildings. The bigger building is the hall that comes with a large kitchen, gas appliances, two fridges and a freezer. And the smaller one is called the Mari and that is a sleeping area.

The bathroom includes new showers with hot running water, and toilet facilities.

The grounds have extensive gardens and would be a perfect venue for wedding parties, or just a family picnic.It has easy access from Christchurch Airport.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Expired date

So far this book is about two boys called Andrew and Quentin that think is pretty funny to bully a boy called Richard. However Andrew finds himself haunted by a mysterious stranger.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Ratios Explain-Everything By Milly & Katie

This Term in Mrs Sutherland's Maths group we have been learning about Ratios. Here is our Explain-Everything about a few things we learnt.

Monday 5 September 2016

Birthday surprise

This is a book that I've just started reading, all I know so far is that there are three children that want to get there mother a present for her birthday but they have very little money.

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Over the last couple of weeks we have been doing our own Matariki research in Literacy time. This is summary of what I learnt and things I found interesting.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

The power of positive

Step by step guide 

1. Always smile have a great attitude. 

2. Give someone a compliment and hopefully they will give one back to you.

3. Invite someone to sit with you and play with you.

4. Cheer someone up if they feel down maybe with a funny joke. 

5. Just be positive because gratitude is the best attitude.

Sunday 12 June 2016

This is my writing so far about project 7. I'm not quite finished yet but please comment for feedback.

Project 7

There were no year eights in sight. They were away doing a ropes course for their William Pike challenge. All was quiet until Miss Sutherland came in and said we had to JOBS ! Or is she calls it project 7. Selena and I wanted to sweep the bark that had been scattered around the juniors garden, but since there were no brooms available yet we had to help with the chicken group. Which was the job Selena and I definitely didn't want to do! Because of the mites mites mites mites and more MITES!

Thursday 19 May 2016

Mt Richardson

On Friday the 13 of May the senior cinderkit gradually made it up to the summit of Mt. Richardson,while the juniors did about a quarter of the way,now I'm going to tell you about the interesting adventure I had.My eyes opened slowly nearly closing then suddenly I remember that today was the day we were going to walk Mt Richardson, at that moment I jumped out of bed to go get ready.After everyone had gotten changed and peppered we traveled in the car to school and there I meet my four friends,Selena,Milly,Hannah and Zoe, we all walked into the Mt Thomas room and cearfully listened to the instructions we were given by the teachers, if we were on the bus or in a car,my friends and I were on the bus. When we got there we all had to line up to number off,I was number 19.It took us about 3-4 hours to reach the top, and on some parts of the track it was eather muddy or steep and some rotten branches had broken off from the storm the night before.On the way down it didn't take us as long when we were nearly at the bottom everyone started racing down like a bunch of galloping horses that  just couldn't stop themselves.The day after the walk my legs were really sore and stiff,but it was worth it.

Monday 2 May 2016

Length Explain Everything

This is our Explain Everything about Length, Milly and I have become experts in our group learning about the units and studying which unit it best used for different items.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

This week Milly and I got Length for our Topic, out of Length, Mass or Capacity. Then we had to go round the school and find 4 things to estimate a measurement of. Then after our measurements we had to measure them as accurate as possible. Our estimates were close.

Monday 15 February 2016

    all you need to make this is                                                                                            
   any colour spray paint you
    prefer, coloured paper, a
   tin ie a peachs tin, and if you
   want to add the bow all you
   need is some string or ribbon.

step 1 spray paint the whole tin
and let it dry.

step 2 cut your paper out and glue
it on the tin  and make sure you leave
a stripe of your spray paint at the top.

step 3 cut some string or ribbon and
tie it around the tin. and now your all done

its all about me

I have decided my theme is to post photos or videos of
creative craft ideas