Wednesday 15 June 2016

The power of positive

Step by step guide 

1. Always smile have a great attitude. 

2. Give someone a compliment and hopefully they will give one back to you.

3. Invite someone to sit with you and play with you.

4. Cheer someone up if they feel down maybe with a funny joke. 

5. Just be positive because gratitude is the best attitude.


  1. After reading this I definitely felt a lot more positive and happy! This is a guide id like to follow.

  2. Great job Katie. You have really explained how to be positive, maybe next time you could also say what we did in that week or something.

  3. Well done Katie, you have given some great tips. I especially like the gratitude is the best attitude and also the one about including others in games. Next time it may be a good idea to add the "why" this would be a good idea or what the benefits would be.
    As Hannah mentioned including a blurb lets the audience know the purpose of your post!
