Thursday 19 May 2016

Mt Richardson

On Friday the 13 of May the senior cinderkit gradually made it up to the summit of Mt. Richardson,while the juniors did about a quarter of the way,now I'm going to tell you about the interesting adventure I had.My eyes opened slowly nearly closing then suddenly I remember that today was the day we were going to walk Mt Richardson, at that moment I jumped out of bed to go get ready.After everyone had gotten changed and peppered we traveled in the car to school and there I meet my four friends,Selena,Milly,Hannah and Zoe, we all walked into the Mt Thomas room and cearfully listened to the instructions we were given by the teachers, if we were on the bus or in a car,my friends and I were on the bus. When we got there we all had to line up to number off,I was number 19.It took us about 3-4 hours to reach the top, and on some parts of the track it was eather muddy or steep and some rotten branches had broken off from the storm the night before.On the way down it didn't take us as long when we were nearly at the bottom everyone started racing down like a bunch of galloping horses that  just couldn't stop themselves.The day after the walk my legs were really sore and stiff,but it was worth it.

Monday 2 May 2016

Length Explain Everything

This is our Explain Everything about Length, Milly and I have become experts in our group learning about the units and studying which unit it best used for different items.